Hey all,

So four of our lines changed over this weekend. Beers on tap are rotating like Balkie in a revolving door in the opening scene of Perfect Strangers. I am not sure why that old sit-com came into my head. Stranger things have happened though. So here are the changes.

Dunkleweizen was replaced with our Summer Rye. We had this one on earlier in the summer and really enjoyed it. We are sending this batch to GABF this year. The Hefeweizen was replaced with the Gose. Again this beer was on earlier in the summer and we decided that i needed to go to GABF as well, so we brewed up another batch. The Milk Stout has been replaced with the lovable Black Cat Stout. Plus, all you Bottle Rocket IPA fans will be happy to hear that we have our Bottle rocket back pouring.

OK i am just almost to kettle up so i have to run.

See you all soon!
