Big Changes at the Pub
Wow, I am not sure if we have had this many beers kicking/changes all at once.
The Hefewiezen has been replaced by its big brother Winter Wiezen. We used the same yeast strain as our Hefe but we bumped up the malt profile giving a slightly sweeter and slightly more ABV with the traditional clove and banana esters of a German style Hefewiezen.
Good work on the Moat Mountain Square tail stout. It has been replaced with…Drum roll please…our Le Chat Noir (Black Cat in French). This beer is the same malt and hop profile as our Black Cat stout but fermented out with a Belgian Yeast strain. This yeast gives the fruity and spicy esters off during fermentation to make this a great Belgian style stout.
The IMP IPA has gone away. But don’t worry it will be back some time soon. It has been replaced by yet another Belgian style beer, our Triple. This beer is golden in color but sneaks up on you with the ABV of around 9%. The Belgian yeast strain we used was different then the Le Chat Noir giving a hint of the bubble gum nose that you get in a lot of great Belgian beers.
So yes we are turning into a Belgian Brew house for the spring. Behind the Flemish style Sour Brune we have a Belgian Double waiting in the wings. So excited for spring to get into full swing.