Happy Holidaze!!
Greetings Beer Lover,
A happy Holidaze to all! Hopefully, all of you have finished your holiday shopping and are just about ready for some Holiday cheers! In the unlikely event that we run out of Holidaze Porter before the official Holiday…… Oh wait…. we just ran out of Holidaze Porter!! Shoot! Anyway, we have replaced Holidaze with another cheerful beer our Imperial Porter. Dark and chocolately this one is just missing the ginger spiciness but it is….. oh so good! Lots of roastiness rounded out with some residual sweetness from the crystal and caramel malts plus some flaked barley, this porter rocks the Christmas tree! So, be sure to stop in for a couple of pints and be sure to say hi. Have a safe and merry holiday. Cheers! The Brew Crew, Tod and Brian