Overwhelmed in P-brewtown
Greetings all,
I am finally back on track with my brewery operations after a splindid, albeit short, visit to London. Catching up with my daughter and friends Dann Paquette and his wife Martha was great. I already spoke about the Fullers tour, their hospitality and sweet tasting room. We drank some of the beer Dann brews at Daleside Brewery from Yorkshire. A gingered Porter and a pleasent Bitter were among some tasty brews. Dann also indulged us in some Scottish (?) Extreme beers from a company called Brewdog. These were scotch infused ales and some crazy hopped up thing. The day got a little long for me and I lost my tasting notes!!
However, some of the coolest stuff we did in London aside from the Tate Modern, which would fill an entire block of blog and I will get to some day, was hanging at the pubs. Two of which were The Market Porter right across from Boroughs Market( open air market ) and The George an old inn with full gallery courtyard and just sooo olde!! The UK has such an amazing pub culture and you just hang out and imbibe. Not to get drunk but to ponder life,enjoy the setting and communicate with one another. You just enjoy the scene. I wonder why our pub scene here in America is so different. I guess I’ll need to spend more serious reserch and development time in the UK pubs figure it out and fill us in on the datails!
Now on another note, the whole Kate the Great issue needs to be resolved asap so I can sleep at night and not be worrying if we’ve made the right decision. As wonderful as Kate is there is a limited supply of this fine elixir. We can only make about 330 gallons per double batch due to this smallness of the Portsmouth Brewerys brew length. There is just not enough to go around. DRINK IT HERE AND ENJOY IT HERE!!! Take home a bottle or two or a growler share this fine product Do not hoard it or put it on E-Bay for resale!! Just enjoy it, It will be back again in Jan. ’09
With my heart in my throat, Todm