Ready for Turkey?
Greetings beer lovers,
Been a long time since my last post and tons of water (beer) has flowed under the bridge! Besides the fact that Tyler is adjusting to married life well and with the advent of the cold(?) weather we’re putting in some great styles of beer for the colder times ahead. On tap now is my favorite beer of all times, Sierra Nevada Celebration. A true hop lovers delight. We’ll be running this delicious amber IPA ’til News Years, I think!! We have our Wheat Wine in condition with 10 pounds of Cascade dry hopping this big bold Wheat beer getting ready for a late December unveiling. Along with some typical big beer styles we have our Winter Wiezen, Winter Rye and our Holidaze Porter all in the final stages of primary fermentation. But the big beer news is that Kate the Great is finally going into the fermenter this week. Patience is for those who can wait…… many months and March 5th KtG will make her annual appearance.We are trying something new this year and we have Ron, the blacksmith over at Strawberry Banke, making us a wooden Firkin to put Kate into to add the oak character. Should be a great addition to what is a fairly decent beer already!! Yuk-Yuk. Anyway, both winter Rye and Weizen are just bigger versions of our Rye Not and Hefeweizen and the holidaze Porter is our holiday version of our robust porter with the addition of honey and ginger. All make for nice wintery elixirs. Well, I’ve got to prepare for the big brew day tomorrow. So, have a great Thanksgiving and don’t eat too much. Cheers! Todm