The rumors are true…
Hey all,
For those of you whom subscribe to the Portsmouth Brewery/Smuttynose Newsletter this isn’t new news. But, I have accepted a position as Smuttynose Brewing Co. I’ll be starting with them December 12th. Emotionally it was an extremely hard decision to leave The Portsmouth Brewery because of YOU! I love all the fans of the Portsmouth Brewery out there. I love sitting next to them at the bar chatting about the beer in front of them. I love running in to you in the restaurant during one of my shifts and stopping and chatting with you. I love talking tourist though the paddle in front of them in the summer. I love running into you at festivals. This brewery has become a big part of me in the 4+ years i have been here.
All that being said, since i am still going to be within the same “company umbrella” you have not seen the last of me. I will still be coming in to the bar from time to time, and will definitely stop and talk with you all. I will just be talking about the beers on the other end of the tap lines 🙂 I am sure that Tod and Brian will be able to keep the blog rolling smoothly and keeping you all in the loop of what is happening at the Portsmouth Brewery.
Thank you all who have been following my blog post throughout the years, and as always, I WILL see you in soon for a pint.