Hey all,

With Thanksgiving coming fast i thought i was a perfect time for a couple of fun beers.  First off we put on the Mayflower Thanksgiving Ale.  this beer is an 8% abv old ale/american Strong ale that has been aged on toasted Oak just long enough to get some nice Vanilla Oak flavors in the meduim to ful bodied beer.   So nice to sip on during this cool weather we are getting.

Secondly we put on a Dirty Blonde Cask that we added some fresh cranberries to.  This first cask we ruff copped and the muttled the crainberries.  It added a nice tart finish to the beer, but no color.  So we are making another one today where we are cooking the crainberies in the Dirty Blonde then adding that to the cask.  Hopfully this one will have the same nice tart finish, but pull out some of that red color.  My fingers are crossed.
