Greetings beer lovers. It is August 9th already and we are slammin’. I thought last year was busy but this year is already ahead of where we were last year!(whatever that means!!) Cheers! to all you P-brew enthusiastics!! As our beers develop in deep condition we are running lots of guest beers to help us thru these crazy times. We have some Moat Mountain beers (from N. Conway NH) as well as Stone beers from San Deigo CA. Hope you enjoy these fine guest beers.
So, there is some great news from Smuttynose Brewing Co. and that is Peter Egelston, President and owner of Smuttynose and P-brew, too,hence the sister company thing, got the go ahead for the development of the new Smuttynose brewery in Hampton NH!!! I am so sure Peter is ecstatic over this development as he has been working on a new site for Smuttynose for the past 4 years( me thinks) Cheers! to Peter for sticking in there.
Our IPA will be back later this week as will our Hefeweizen and perhaps our double Witt. We are trying to keep up with the heavy demand.
I want to thank not only Tyler my assistant for kicking butt this summer but I want to throw out a huge THANKS to Zach our intern from the American Brewers Guild who has worked the past 6 weeks without pay during the busiest season ever!! Coincidence??? I think not. Anyway we hired him on for as long as it takes him to land his first brewing job.
I would also like to throw a huge thanks to Rob and the chefs and our waitstaff without whom we would be dead in the water.Lastlya big Cheers! to Brennen Rumble and his Managers who make the cogs mesh and run without grinding….. did I just use the term “grinding”?? Oh well!
Peace and Cheers! Todm