Feels like Summer!!!
Hey all,
It’s hot out side and we are brewing our first batch of Hefe for the year. It must be almost summer time. A few changes tap wise have happened or are about to happen.
First off the Milk stout on tap kicked just as the XX bitter Cask. So now the Cask is Milk Stout that we infused with Kahlua Oak but the Stout on tap is Black Cat. Both of them are tasting great.
Secondly the Wipper Snapper is on its last legs. We have only a few gallons left in the serving tank, so I am guessing today or tonight it will be gone. It will be replaced with our ESB. This is a beer that we made specially for the Craft brewers conference that is in Boston next week. We use some very nice floor malted Pale malt as well as being able to use the new hops varieties of Sovereign and Bodicea. we are actually the first ones to use these hops in North America. I’m excited to give the very traditional British style ESB a whirl.
I remember someone asking about the Bravo Pale ale a little while back too. The malt profile its self is a very basic American pale ale base. Though we use another new to us variety of hops called Bravo. They hops them selves smell like a spicier version of Palisade, so I am excited for this beer as well. But it isn’t going to be on for a while so don’t hold your breath for this. I’ll let you know when you should be lining up out side 🙂