Hey all,
Well Oktoberfest starting on the 19th in Munich, so the party is on across the pond! Since the Blueberry is gone we thought what a better time to put out our Octoberfest then right now. So the party is on at the P-brew too. The O’fest is one of the few lagers we do and we did give it its required lagering time of 6 weeks at 32 oF to cold condition (aka Lager). this beer is clean, crisp, flavorful and delicious. Come on in and get one.
On another note IPA is still flying out of the taps. We ran out of our Bottle rocket before the 5 C’s was ready so we brought in some Smuttynose IPA. Which is a great beer made by our brethren down the road. For those drooling in anticipation here is the best I can give ya. The 5 C’s should be ready middle to end of next week, and the Summit hops should be finished picking right about now and packaged up and shipped next day air tonight. Tomorrow is hop harvest brew day so if you are hop head come in to Portsmouth and I am sure that the whole block around the P-Brew will smell amazing early afternoon. So that means at least 14 days untill the Hop harvest is ready, but I am sure it will be worth the wait 🙂