Hey all,

Sorry for not keeping you in the loop of the new beer Rye-Becky but we had to keep it a sceret. 

Rod and Becky are some of our long time regulars and Becky was having a suprize…well lets say it was a milestone…birthday in the Jimmy Lapanza Lounge on Sunday.  So for her birthday Rod and I came up wiht a beer that was right in her wheelhouse.  A Rye IPA.  The beer has big rye body and big rye spicyness with some great hop flavorand and aromas from Summit, Galena.  Then the beer was dryhopped with Summit, Galena and CTZ for some extra hop aroma. 

So some on in and try one druing the Frankenstorm.  And if you see Becky say happy bithday to her.
