Brewery News, Chef's Notes, Upcoming Events
John Barleycorn v. Johnny AppleseedDecember 23, 2015
When coming up with this year’s social calendar, I wanted to incorporate cider in some way.
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John Barleycorn v. Johnny AppleseedDecember 23, 2015
When coming up with this year’s social calendar, I wanted to incorporate cider in some way.
Read MoreNovember 19, 2015
We kicked off our social season last night with a bang! Thanks to everyone who attended and special thank you to our amazing chefs Jon, Dez, Steve, and their army of well trained kitchen staff.
Read MoreNovember 11, 2015
The new Weekly Specials have been a hit so far! I hope that you’ve had the chance to get in and try them.
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The First Beer Social of the Season !!November 11, 2015
The Social season is back!
The first social is set to kick off next week with Two Fungi Walk Into a Bar.
June 29, 2015
Hi folks,
Just wanted to take a quick minute to keep you up to date about whats happening in the brewhouse. We just sour kettled a Kriek that you can expect to see on tap in mid July.
June 25, 2015
Chef Jon, Chef Dez and Chef Steve wanted us to tell you about the new summer weekly specials, which start on Monday, June 29. Each dish is available from open to close on its designated day.
Read MoreJune 19, 2015
Hello Folks! Can you believe it’s almost the fourth of July already?? Kieran, Maxine and I have working hard in the brewhouse to show our patriotism the best way we know how… With beer! Ou…
Read MoreMay 27, 2015
By their nature, brewpubs are a perfect vector for change.
Read MoreMay 12, 2015
There’s no denying that our current craft beer culture sprouted from strong homebrewing roots.
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Portsmouth Brewery Community Pint Day is All for NepalMay 7, 2015
Every Tuesday, we celebrate Community Pint Day at Portsmouth Brewery.
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